Sunday, July 11, 2010
By:Abbas Saghali
As well as Amazone,e-bay and Netflix announced their in the last week of 2008,net income of all of them had been improved. It showed that their performance was better than expected.Some of largely retailers had serious chalenges with these giant online firms but they finally could edge their way out of those retailars.Although online sales are growing some analysts such as Laurie Windham believe that e-sale will decrease in future instead of increasing.Windham justifies that market of net consumers may be spoiled in the future .she believes that online firms mostly push their customers to buy cheap goods and if they cannot find them go to another site.she says e-commerce is a ficker world with the least customer loyalty(e-loyalty)and this issue strongly threats the future of the question is really what will happen in the future internet-based market.May be we should agree with Sramana Mitra when she says the end of this movie is yet unknown.
Friday, July 9, 2010
By:Abbas Saghali
Hacking into computer system of a police station or a hospital and changing an individual's prescription to a lethal dosage for different motivation such as revenge can be viewed as some examples of Cyber-terrorism.In order to better protection of computer system, computing experts should be sufficiently aware of their weakness area against professional hackers which attack to systems in terms of Cyber-terrorism.It should be suggested that a complete secure system can never be accessed by any experts,but danger of Cyber-terrorism can be reduced.For instance,most of government economical and political classified documents are kept in separate systems without any connection to outside. Another way to prevention of Cyber-terrorism is promotion the use of firewall to monitor all communication in a system such as email messages which may unpredictably carry logic bombs.At the end , we should point out encryption which is the most common method of protection from Cyber-based attacks.
Cyber-terrorism Links
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
By:Abbas Saghali
A professional group of hackers which calls itself "Iranian Cyber Army" carried out two high profile cyber attack in the world during last December and January. At first attack in December 17 this unknown group hacked twitter by redirection of twitter users to a web page which was followed by this message:
Iranian Cyber Army
U.S.A. Think They Controlling And Managing Internet By Their Access, But THey Don’t, We Control And Manage Internet By Our Power, So Do Not Try To Stimulation Iranian Peoples To….
Take Care.
The considerable point in their message was their writing style which apparently and consciously had joked with English grammar such as what e.e.commings,us great poet, did in his poetry by grammar rules and capital words.
For second time this group hacked china's most popular search engine,Baidu.Hackers again had redirected users to a web page displaying a message claiming that the same group had blocked access to that site.It should be suggested that hackers of Iranian Cyber Army have attacked to some Iranian leading opposition web sites and blogs during last months after cheating in Iranian presidential election.
Now question is: Really these kind of group-hackers are going to drive globe to
world cyber war 1?what will happen in the future?
A professional group of hackers which calls itself "Iranian Cyber Army" carried out two high profile cyber attack in the world during last December and January. At first attack in December 17 this unknown group hacked twitter by redirection of twitter users to a web page which was followed by this message:
Iranian Cyber Army
U.S.A. Think They Controlling And Managing Internet By Their Access, But THey Don’t, We Control And Manage Internet By Our Power, So Do Not Try To Stimulation Iranian Peoples To….
Take Care.
The considerable point in their message was their writing style which apparently and consciously had joked with English grammar such as what e.e.commings,us great poet, did in his poetry by grammar rules and capital words.
For second time this group hacked china's most popular search engine,Baidu.Hackers again had redirected users to a web page displaying a message claiming that the same group had blocked access to that site.It should be suggested that hackers of Iranian Cyber Army have attacked to some Iranian leading opposition web sites and blogs during last months after cheating in Iranian presidential election.
Now question is: Really these kind of group-hackers are going to drive globe to
world cyber war 1?what will happen in the future?
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
By:Abbas Saghali
According a recent survey in 2010, south Korea has been able to lead E-Government issues in the world. In this ranking ,UK is placed after Australia,Canada and USA .The other countries which are between top 10 nations which have provided online services for their citizens in terms of E-Government are Netherlands,Norway,Denmark, Spain and France.
Although E-Government can accelerate a great amount of services for government members and people,somebody believes it is not always systematically effective.Micheal Cross in Guardian point outs that E-Government is not a financial cure-all. In addition ,he writes that the current buzzword is smarter government while prime minister of UK and the chancellor of Exchequer put on emphasis of cost reduction of E-Government services more than its quality.
According a recent survey in 2010, south Korea has been able to lead E-Government issues in the world. In this ranking ,UK is placed after Australia,Canada and USA .The other countries which are between top 10 nations which have provided online services for their citizens in terms of E-Government are Netherlands,Norway,Denmark, Spain and France.
Although E-Government can accelerate a great amount of services for government members and people,somebody believes it is not always systematically effective.Micheal Cross in Guardian point outs that E-Government is not a financial cure-all. In addition ,he writes that the current buzzword is smarter government while prime minister of UK and the chancellor of Exchequer put on emphasis of cost reduction of E-Government services more than its quality.
Monday, July 5, 2010
Sunday, July 4, 2010
By:Abbas Saghali
Facebook updated its privacy policy in April 22,2010.Last revision has eight sections including introduction, information facebook receives,information members share with third parties,sharing information on facebook,how members use their information,how facebook share information,how members can view,change or remove information,and how this popular social network protect information.
Facebook has announced if anybody has question about their privacy policy can contact with their team through their help page .This page also has been provided for somebody who has complaints about their privacy issues.They have provide the other page by the name of TRUSTe for those members which are not satisfied with their team's responses.
There are some links such as :
statement of rights and responsibilities
facebook site Govenance
privacy settings
requesting deletion for non-user
reporting and blocking third party applications
which are completely helpful in this regard.
Friday, July 2, 2010
By:Abbas Saghali
According one official report in USA which was published in 2008,among 300 million internet users in all of the globe more than one million were involved with computer crime.These crimes included fraud,vandalism,disposal of stolen goods,and embezzlement.It should be interesting to know that distributed denial of service is the most reported computer crime in the world.As well as digital world has a great deal of global advantages,crimes by internet also cannot be limited geographically.Financial networks are mostly target by internet criminals and control of online fraud sometimes is extremely difficult.Online child pornography is another e-crime that FBI launched its "innocent images" prob to track it down in 1995.This effort by more than 200 convictions resulted in 1999.
According one official report in USA which was published in 2008,among 300 million internet users in all of the globe more than one million were involved with computer crime.These crimes included fraud,vandalism,disposal of stolen goods,and embezzlement.It should be interesting to know that distributed denial of service is the most reported computer crime in the world.As well as digital world has a great deal of global advantages,crimes by internet also cannot be limited geographically.Financial networks are mostly target by internet criminals and control of online fraud sometimes is extremely difficult.Online child pornography is another e-crime that FBI launched its "innocent images" prob to track it down in 1995.This effort by more than 200 convictions resulted in 1999.
Thursday, July 1, 2010
BY:Abbas Saghali
We can define a trademark as a name,symbol,motto and design which legally introduces a company and is representative for its products and services.But from the first days that domain name was improved in cyber space,stakeholders of companies had a conflict with it.The Ninth Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals recently ruled that a firm in business must use its domain name to sell products and its services.this is accomplished in order to have a protection on the name.In other words ,just reserving a domain name cannot be sufficient for a company and they should use their trademark in terms of domain name.
Fortunately, it's easy to register your domain name as a trademark:
Conduct a trademark search helps to find any trademarks that conflict with those type of names that you want to use as domain name.At this point,the notorious conflict between trademark and domain name users can be decreased.Although regarding of using famouse trademarks for some individuals and groups, Conduct a trademark search is not full stop for the conflict. ALL BUSINESS
Friday, June 25, 2010

A new attack is threatening to increase the potential for attackers to compromise enterprise servers and the critical data on them. Solutions are available, and they will require action by company officers .
“SSLStrip” and related attacks1 were among the highlights of the July 2009 Black Hat show in Las Vegas. Researcher Moxie Marlinspike3 combined a number of separate problems, not all related to SSL, to create a convincing scenario in which users attempting to work with secure web sites were instead sent to malicious fake sites. One of the core problems described by Marlinspike is the ability to embed null characters in the common name field of a certificate, designating a domain name. This can be used to trick software, web browsers.SSLStrip attack could be used against server-server communications with the potential for mass-compromise of confidential data.
This spoofing problem is solved by correct use of Extended Validation (EV) SSL certificates for authentication. Moving certificate-based enterprise authentication to EV SSL would therefore protect an organization against this form of attack.
Sunday, June 20, 2010
If you are a writer, publisher, web site designer, site owner and if you own, claim to own, use or want to use intellectual property on the Internet, then you must have at least a short but functional knowledge of how the United States trademark, copyright and other laws, as well as various state laws, may apply to you. There is an intimate relationship among your rights and the rights of others. At any moment, you may be both a user of other’s protected materials and a creator of your own. Both they and you deserve to have your intellectual property rights protected.
In addition to the more traditional logos and designs that are the subject of trademark law, domain names are now also subject to being trademarked if they otherwise qualify as marks. Indeed, the rules for what may and may not qualify for trademark status are not all that different except that the Internet presents additional issues.
In addition to the more traditional logos and designs that are the subject of trademark law, domain names are now also subject to being trademarked if they otherwise qualify as marks. Indeed, the rules for what may and may not qualify for trademark status are not all that different except that the Internet presents additional issues.
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Spoofing is a engage in a profession whereby the user on the internet attempts to hide its IP address to conceal its true identity. Many crackers steal databases of credit cards or other sensitive information.
The concept of IP spoofing, was initially discussed in academic circles in the 1980’s.While the popularity of such cracks has decreased due to the coming to the end of the services they exploited, spoofing can still be used and needs to be addressed by all security administrators.
For example Buffalo Spammer is an infamous spammer who was accused of sending more than 800 million unrequested emails from illegal earth link accounts.
He also stole credit cards and identities to fraudulently by 343 earth link accounts to send shady and unsolicited mails to different people. On long investigation the identity of this spammer was found to be that of Mr. Howard Carmack who sent out millions of emails that included advertisements for computer virus scripts, software for bulk mailing and list of addresses to be used by other spammers. He was arrested in New York.
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Friday, June 11, 2010
Cybersquatting was born by internet.If you aim to type,you will find yourself in a site with ticket,hotel and different classification of ads.If you go to this,you can see t is registered to a guy named Brad in Surrey, British Columbia.Brad earn a great amount of money by linkage to ad sites.His web popularity was got by ,and by those persons such as Techman which is Fumble-fingered .it is is a typosquatting.Domain name was a sort of the wild west,any registration can be accomplished by any one.this kind of activity was announced illegal under the Anticybersquatting Consumer Protection Act passed by Congress in 1999.
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
By: Abbas Saghali
Previous cyberstorm was related to attacks to networks in internet or spread malicious software on different systems in government area.Cyberstorm III is expected to aim attacks against the underlying control systems of The US and their critical infrastructure , dams and systems that protect energy facilities.Philip Reitinger, director of the National Cybersecurity Center at the Department of Homeland Security in the US believed that risk of community and community nations is growing regarding these attacks and global economy seriously address this problem.
Thursday, June 3, 2010
As the new portable devices such as Mobile phones, Flash memories and Mp3 players are getting more and more popular, a new security threat is showing up in the networks where the employees are bringing such the things to their workplace for their personal use.
Recently two computer scientists from University of Strathclyde, in Glasgow published an article in “International Journal of Electronic Security and Digital Forensics” which shows the illegal usage of these new portable devices in the workplace computing systems. These two researchers are introducing two methods in their article to decrease the numbers of data theft and malwares distribution via these devices into the computer networks.
The main problem with these devices is because of their large capacity and web connectivity capabilities which let even the normal users to carry huge amounts of data in a very small portable device and also can transfer them to internet or send them as email with Wi-Fi.Their suggestion to the organizations is that they should ban these portable devices to be brought to the workplace which contains valuable and confidential information by their employees. But as we know there is no possible way to remove the data leakage in the workplace completely.
Recently two computer scientists from University of Strathclyde, in Glasgow published an article in “International Journal of Electronic Security and Digital Forensics” which shows the illegal usage of these new portable devices in the workplace computing systems. These two researchers are introducing two methods in their article to decrease the numbers of data theft and malwares distribution via these devices into the computer networks.

Sunday, May 23, 2010
You can observe all the time on our computers a box that includes the word "ACCEPT" or agree. This occurs when you purchase or download things.Have you ever ask yourself what do these words mean?why we should mention them ?and what will happen if you ignore to mention?
The date of These type of agreements back to the early days of home computers, when software were introduced to the markets.. Whether you realized it or not, by simply tearing off the plastic wrapper, you were accepting the terms and conditions of the software company. Those became known as "shrink-wrap" agreements. Now they're called "click-wrap" agreements -- taking effect with the click of a mouse.
As a case let me point out Concord business man"Terry Shoaff".he says when he aimed to log onto his Bank for checking his accounts, "This pop-up blocker came in, two and a half pages of single-spaced, typewritten, no spacing, no paragraphs. I mean, it wasn't an everyday type of explanation or contract that the average person would be able to respond to without having legal council."
Shoaff's problem? Until he clicked "ACCEPT," his online account was blocked. So he drove to his local branch for an explanation.
The date of These type of agreements back to the early days of home computers, when software were introduced to the markets.. Whether you realized it or not, by simply tearing off the plastic wrapper, you were accepting the terms and conditions of the software company. Those became known as "shrink-wrap" agreements. Now they're called "click-wrap" agreements -- taking effect with the click of a mouse.
As a case let me point out Concord business man"Terry Shoaff".he says when he aimed to log onto his Bank for checking his accounts, "This pop-up blocker came in, two and a half pages of single-spaced, typewritten, no spacing, no paragraphs. I mean, it wasn't an everyday type of explanation or contract that the average person would be able to respond to without having legal council."
Shoaff's problem? Until he clicked "ACCEPT," his online account was blocked. So he drove to his local branch for an explanation.
Step 2
Place your item in between two pieces of shrink wrapped evenly. You can also place your item in the gift bag if you choose to use gift bag.Step 3
Start shrink wrapping with your hair dryer from back to front. That way it pulls from the front and it will be completely flat on the front side. It can take a long time depending on the object to get it completely shrink wrapped so be patient. You either shrink wrapped it completely closed or if you doing a basket tie the top with a ribbon.Tuesday, May 18, 2010

In the first look it doesn’t seem too much critical but it will be a problem when you find out that this basic information can be the password hint for user’s accounts. The same problem was reported by this blog last year which was solved by the Facebook several months ago.
This weblog tries to introduce such the problem to Facebook security team to fill the gaps as soon as possible.
Thursday, May 13, 2010
The first and second hacker space festival was held in France in June 2008 and 2009.It should be suggested that during festival week in 2008, about 300 people came to visit and participate. This festival was A good mix of Art, Hack, Politics and even Religion (Worship the Hot Potato!) along with excellent self-organization make very good memories.By regarding success of this festival the next ceremony has been considered split in three monthes of April ,May and july in this year.
Blogs,Press,Photos and videos
Blogs,Press,Photos and videos
Saturday, May 8, 2010
After guessing sarah palin's Yahoo password last week,her former student in U-T Knoxville was convicted to unauthorized access in a federal jury .NEWS + VIDEO
Professor Joseph Kizza believes :"People tend to use very simple passwords, like their dogs names or daughters and sons names and birthdays and so on".Kizza mentioned that good passwords have three features including length of eight characters or more,Complexity and combination, like upper and lower case, symbols, and numbers. Kizza added :"t is highly unlikely that somebody who has come close to password trying to guess it would know the first word, the first character is in capital letters, the next one is lower and so on and so on".
Professor Kizza says that due to professional using of internet somebody needs 15-passwords built one solid string, and then cycling the back to the front to create new key.
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Spoofing is a engage in a profession whereby the user on the internet attempts to hide its IP address to conceal its true identity. Many crackers steal databases of credit cards or other sensitive information.
The concept of IP spoofing, was initially discussed in academic circles in the 1980’s.While the popularity of such cracks has decreased due to the coming to the end of the services they exploited, spoofing can still be used and needs to be addressed by all security administrators.
For example Buffalo Spammer is an infamous spammer who was accused of sending more than 800 million unrequested emails from illegal earth link accounts.
He also stole credit cards and identities to fraudulently by 343 earth link accounts to send shady and unsolicited mails to different people. On long investigation the identity of this spammer was found to be that of Mr. Howard Carmack who sent out millions of emails that included advertisements for computer virus scripts, software for bulk mailing and list of addresses to be used by other spammers. He was arrested in New York.
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Dr Gasson, A computer specialist at University of Reading tested a new threat for human beings recently. As using the micro-chips in different parts of human bodies to improve their health is becoming worldwide this researcher tried to implant one of these chips to his body to see how much vulnerable could it be in case of malfunction of the chip by a computer virus.
Nowadays using the
se micro computers in medical science makes the scientist to be worry about the threats that these electronic devices might have for human beings. Dr Gasson attached one of these micro-chips to his hand to make a secure connection with his university building and his mobile phone. As he mentioned when this device implanted in his body it became a part of his body and whatever happened to the function of this device will affect him. The results of his experience as the first human being who has infected by a computer virus were presented at the IEEE International Symposium on Technology and Society in Australia in June 2010.
This scientist threatens us about the dangers we might encounter in the near future because of using such the technologies to enhance ourselves.
Nowadays using the

This scientist threatens us about the dangers we might encounter in the near future because of using such the technologies to enhance ourselves.
Monday, April 26, 2010
By:Abbas Saghali
Blogger as one of the most popular web sivices in the world was blocked in Iran.Government of Iran from yesterday morning blocked this web service and iranian bloggers cannot use it to poblish their blogs legally.It should be suggested that Iran has most number of bloggers in the globe of cyber space..Some of internet services such as you tube and face book has had undeniable role to develop Iranian green movement after recent presidential election.Blogfa is another web service that is used by Iranian bloggers.Some internet users believe security of blogfa is not sufficient to keep bloggers profile information secured.
Blogger as one of the most popular web sivices in the world was blocked in Iran.Government of Iran from yesterday morning blocked this web service and iranian bloggers cannot use it to poblish their blogs legally.It should be suggested that Iran has most number of bloggers in the globe of cyber space..Some of internet services such as you tube and face book has had undeniable role to develop Iranian green movement after recent presidential election.Blogfa is another web service that is used by Iranian bloggers.Some internet users believe security of blogfa is not sufficient to keep bloggers profile information secured.
Saturday, April 24, 2010
These days the hackers are looking for the ways to earn some money as well as destroying and making problem for the websites. One of these way is to penetrate the users bank account and transfer and steal money from their accounts. As we see nowadays most of us are doing our banking activities via internet so in case we won’t be precautious we may lose all our assets. There are some hints which might help us to prevent our bank accounts and credit card from being hacked. Some of them are as follows:
· Try to use OS like Linux instead of windows as this OS is the most vulnerable one.
· Try to use the most secure web browsers and email services.
· It would be necessary to install a firewall and antivirus program on your system.
· Using Wi-Fi connections just in the secure place like your office and your home.
· Encrypting all your valuable information on your hard drives including your bank account passwords.
· Social networking websites such as Twitter and Facebook can be another source of being hacked, so try to be very cautious while surfing these websites.
· Last but not least, try to use strong password by combining alphabets and numeric in your password.
As a conclusion the bank all over the world are trying to make their websites as much secure as they can, but still the carefulness of the costumers is required to decrease such the events.
Sunday, April 18, 2010
By:Abbas Saghali
There is no doubt that Iran has one of the most extensive technical filtering and internet censorship system in the globe.In this country with a civilized history and more than 70 million population which has a great deal of high graduated individuals in its recent generations,a committee of government officials and a few members of intelligent services and judiciary make decision on blocking and filtering of websites.Telecommunications ministry is operator of filtering in Iran.After recent presidential election,Internet censorship were intensified in Iran.Most of writers,journalists,intellects, university students and lecturers,internet users and opposite politicians have increasingly protested to these kind of "technology-blocking" in Iran,although government tries to ignore these protests.Iranian internet users often get around the filtering by anti-filter software,but it is not always very easy to get access to blocked websites by this means.
Friday, April 16, 2010
By:Abbas Saghali
Relatively we can say defamation is the communication of statement that by making a claim gives a negative image about an individual,business,product,group,government or nation.In fact it is a false statement which makes a lot of troubles for others.Defamation sometimes is called slander or libel.
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
By:Abbas Saghali
Iran can improve in different aspects of e-commerce according
political-legal,economical,social,and technological(PEST) solutions.
Firstly,by regarding political-legal solution,improvement in international policy of Iran is quite considerable to attract international customers and facilitate exchange transactions with individuals,firms and organizations in different countries specially USA and most of other developed countries.Secondly,government of Iran should support industries which are interested in doing their business by e-commerce.Increasing budget for R&D in this regard can be effective.Thirdly,advertising for facilitation of business transactions by e-commerce is too important.Most of people in Iran deosn't have enough information about advantages of e-commerce.Bazar in Iran which is the heart of economy doesn't use multi-dimensional capacity of e-commerce in whole of its facets.Increasing social awareness can be effective in this way.Finally, we should mention to technological facilities for e-commerce in Iran.BY increasing technological devices of e-banking and improvement of IT people of Iran can use mostly from e-commerce advantages.Technological facilities can also cause people trust more to implement their business by e-commerce.
Sunday, April 11, 2010
By:Abbas Saghali
Speed of internet access in Iran has often low rate,and it makes some barriers for organizations and individuals in terms of sellers and buyers to enter in e-commerce world.In addition,the most important problem in this regard is Iran's political problems with some developed countries such as USA.At this point,each country in the globe which has similar condition like Iran,for instance north Korea and Cuba, cannot improve not only in e-commerce but also in any field of e-business.
At the end,it should be suggested that e-commerce problems in Iran and some of countries with emerging economy are mostly common,although intense of these problems is not the same.

By:Abbas Saghali
E-commerce as a set of online activities and commercial transactions between buyers and sellers,and a subset of e-business ,has not sufficiently grown in Iran.There are some problems which can be viewed in this regard.Firstly,I should mention to e-payment difficulties.There is no balance between e-banking facilities for online payment and customer expectations in Iran.Shops don't have reliable and updated data for their customers,buyers and consumers mostly are not interested in spending their time in internet to purchase their needs and fulfill their wants.Secondly,people in Iran cannot trust to e-payment system.There is A lack of enough advertisement for the issue.On the other hand,bank system is not matched with international online business to secure e-payment processes.
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Phishing and in a lesser extent pharming are two popular forms of online fraud.Victims are duped when they are aim to go to a trusted web site such as bank,but in fact they are deceived by a bogus web site which steal their identity and drain their financial resources.
Between 2000 and 2005,the number of people which had regular access to internet in the world increased by 182%.At the same time,internet penetration in middle east grew by 454%,and Iran in that region had the highest growth rate at a staggering 2900%.
Internet usage and cybercrime to a parallel rise increased in the globe as well as in Iran.Statistics indicate 50% viruses and 30% fraud for whole of the world in 2004,although in the case of Iran by lack of reliable documents we cannot talk about the issue by exact statistics.But,according too many evidences and various events there is no doubt that cybercrime has increased sharply in Iran specially in recent years.
It should be suggested that government of Iran has acknowledged to tackle this issue.
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